Using innovative techniques developed to extend the potential of lead as a planter material, steel planter liners can be clad with 3mm lead sheeting.
All our lead-clad planter manufacture is to-order and to your specification, and we do not hold in stock a standard range of shapes and sizes.
These composite planters deliver the unique aesthetic of lead, whilst relying on the superior strength and strength-to-weight ratio of steel for the planters’ technical performance. Specifically our lead planters are stronger and lighter, and can be made larger, than would be the case with a solid lead planter; and this extends the use of lead into environments and applications which were previously not possible.
IOTA can also combine steel planter structures with other soft metals, such as brass and copper, as well as non-metallic materials, such as timber, stone or ceramic. Planters can also be made utilising high tech composite panels, such as Aluminium Plastic Composite.