City of London Corporation, Bartholomew Close, London EC1


IOTA was commissioned by The City of London Corporation to supply bespoke Bronze planters for Bartholomew Close, as part of public realm improvements linked to the wider Barts Square redevelopment masterplan.

A total of 11nr. conical planters were supplied, each Dia. 1190 x H 1200mm, with a counter-relief moulding line 250mm down from the top rim. Adjustable feet were included in the design, and these feet are disguised by a floating / self-levelling ‘doughnut’ ring inset into the base.

The planters were fabricated from 1.2mm Brass clad onto a 2.0mm Stainless Steel planter core, with the Brass then pre-patinated by IOTA to a ‘Bronze’ finish. The resulting double-skin planters deliver the unique ‘Bronze’ aesthetic sought, whilst relying on the superior strength and stiffness of Steel for the planters’ technical performance. The same technique is used by IOTA to create large planters from other softer and expensive metals, such as Lead, Copper and Zinc.

The planters were supplied pre-patinated; with the intention being that the planters will then age naturally outdoors. The images here show the planters at a relatively early stage of natural ageing; with a general background patina of warm brown and gold. Over time, the planters will become generally darker, with increasing levels of tonal variation and highlights – and, eventually, some green tones will start to show through, as Brass is an alloy of Copper and Zinc.

IOTA was commissioned by The City of London Corporation on the basis of Design, Manufacture and Supply, working from a concept design by GROSS.MAX. landscape architects. Installation and planting was by JB Riney & Co. Ltd. The planters form part of public realm improvements linked to the wider Barts Square redevelopment masterplan, to create a new urban mixed-use quarter in the heart of the City of London.

Sector Public sector
Sub-sector Public realm & streetscape
Services provided Design Manufacture Supply
Year completed 2020
Contractor / Client JB Riney & Co. Ltd. / The City of London Corporation
Consultant GROSS.MAX. landscape architects

Contact IOTA T. 01934 522617