Zinc’s characteristic warm grey patina provides a perfect foil for soft and naturalistic planting.
Zinc is also one of the longest-lasting of planter materials, as the surface naturally oxidises with a protective layer which requires no maintenance. IOTA custom-manufactures Zinc planters in any shape or size, from simple geometric shapes to complex architectural designs.
As Zinc is a relatively soft metal, larger planters are manufactured from 1.2mm Zinc clad onto 2.0mm or 3.0mm Zintec Steel. The resulting double-skin planters deliver the unique aesthetic of Zinc, whilst relying on the superior strength and stiffness of Steel for the planters’ technical performance. The same technique is used by IOTA to create large planters from other softer metals, such as Lead, Copper, Brass and Bronze.
Zinc planters are generally supplied with a pre-patinated finish; with the intention being that the planters will then age naturally outdoors. The images here show pre-patinated Zinc planters at a relatively early stage of natural ageing; with a general background patina resembling old lead, with natural and characteristic zinc oxide highlights starting to come through. Over time, the planters will become generally lighter, with increasing levels of tonal variation and highlights.
All our Zinc planter manufacture is to-order and to your specification, and we do not hold in stock a standard range of shapes and sizes.